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NativeScript Telerik-UI using ListViewStaggeredLayout for images in RadListView

I have a NativeScript/Angular2 app using Telerik-UI, when I try to display images using ListViewStaggeredLayout directive in a RadListView I get a blank page. Using same code to display text works OK, i.e. 2 columns and staggered layout. Using ListViewGridLayout to display images works as well. I have seen old Telerik documentation showing this is/was possible with images, but I cannot figure out what to set. The HTML code is below. Thanks.

<RadListView [items]="pictures">
    <template tkListItemTemplate let-item="item">
            <Image col="0" src="{{ 'res://listview/layouts/' + + '.jpg' }}" stretch="aspectFill" loadMode="async"></Image>
            <!-- <Label col="0" [text]="item.title" textWrap="true"></Label> -->
    <ListViewStaggeredLayout tkListViewLayout scrollDirection="Vertical" spanCount="2" itemWidth="180"></ListViewStaggeredLayout>
    <!-- <ListViewGridLayout tkListViewLayout scrollDirection="Vertical" itemHeight="200" spanCount="2"></ListViewGridLayout> -->


  • It looks like you have used a non Angular 2 binding syntax ( {{ ... }} ) for the src of the Image in the tkListItemTemplate. Simply change it to something like [src]="'res://listview/layouts/' + + '.jpg'" and all should be working. Or even better remove the hard coded res://listview/layouts/ and '.jpg' and add them to "data item object's .photo property", having such hard coded strings in bindings is not a good approach.

    I have tested this with this template and all works as expected:

        <RadListView [items]="staggeredItems">
            <template tkListItemTemplate let-item="item">
                <GridLayout class="listItemTemplateGrid">
                    <Image [src]="item.image" stretch="aspectFill"></Image>
                    <GridLayout verticalAlignment="bottom">
                        <StackLayout class="labelsStackLayout">
                            <Label [text]="item.title"></Label>
                            <Label [text]="item.description"></Label>
            <ListViewStaggeredLayout tkListViewLayout scrollDirection="Vertical" spanCount="3"></ListViewStaggeredLayout>

    The staggeredItems are of this class:

    export class DataItem {
        constructor(public description?: string, public title?: string,  public image?: string) {