I've searched far and wide but cannot seem to find the answer I need.
As we all know phone numbers around the world vary, my client's online form needs people to enter their phone number, but in a format of having the + symbol in the front. I know I can create a specific pattern to do this, but how do I create a pattern that has the + symbol at the front with a variable quantity of number after the symbol?
I'm happy to return a number like +60 1234567891.
I've also seen forms whereby the country code is selectable as part of the element... that would be good, but as long as I can solve my orginal issue I'll be happy.
please look at the below script that can help you to validate phone number in html5 14 is the number of elements that can you enter by keyboard it accepts +sign with space and number.
<input id="phonenum" type="tel" pattern="[+ 0-9]{14}" required >