I recently setup searchkick and it works wonderfully for attributes on the model I have indexed.
However, when it comes to associations, it fails badly.
This is my model with associations & search_data
class Profile < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :positions
belongs_to :school
def search_data
name: name,
bib_color: bib_color,
height: height,
weight: weight,
player_type: player_type,
school_name: school.name,
age: age,
position_name: positions.map(&:name)
I made sure to run Profile.reindex
, but when I run a query for Center Back
, which is the name of a position
, it returns an empty query set when I know there are results.
> Profile.search("center back").to_a
Profile Search (27.5ms) curl http://localhost:9200/profiles_development/_search?pretty -d '{"query":{"dis_max":{"queries":[{"match":{"_all":{"query":"center back","boost":10,"operator":"and","analyzer":"searchkick_search"}}},{"match":{"_all":{"query":"center back","boost":10,"operator":"and","analyzer":"searchkick_search2"}}},{"match":{"_all":{"query":"center back","boost":1,"operator":"and","analyzer":"searchkick_search","fuzziness":1,"prefix_length":0,"max_expansions":3,"fuzzy_transpositions":true}}},{"match":{"_all":{"query":"center back","boost":1,"operator":"and","analyzer":"searchkick_search2","fuzziness":1,"prefix_length":0,"max_expansions":3,"fuzzy_transpositions":true}}}]}},"size":1000,"from":0,"timeout":"11s","_source":false}'
=> []
Yet here are the results otherwise:
> p
=> #<Position:0x007fa881566310 id: 1, created_at: Sun, 04 Sep 2016 06:49:45 UTC +00:00, updated_at: Wed, 14 Sep 2016 06:17:02 UTC +00:00, name: "Center Back">
> p.profiles.count
(4.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "profiles" INNER JOIN "positions_profiles" ON "profiles"."id" = "positions_profiles"."profile_id" WHERE "positions_profiles"."position_id" = $1 [["position_id", 1]]
=> 5
There should be at least 5 profiles
, yet the results return as empty.
I have even tried formatting my search_data
like so:
def search_data
attrs = attributes.dup
relational = {
school_name: school.name,
grade_name: grades.map(&:subject),
position_names: positions.map(&:name)
attrs.merge! relational
The same thing happens if I try a regular has_many
association and declare it accordingly.
What could be causing this and how do I fix it?
So it turns out that the search_data
is actually correct, but I didn't realize I had to run the rails searchkick:reindex:all
command, as opposed to just doing Profile.reindex
in my rails console
that was running.
Once I ran that command, I noticed that it reindexed everything including all the associations and now it works like a charm!