I have the following data frame:
dat <- structure(list(TPR = c(0.081, 0.945, 0.953, 0.984, 0.956, 0.031
), FPR = c(0.081, 0.545, 0.606, 0.869, 0.636, 0.01), Classifier = structure(c(1L,
3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 4L), .Label = c("Luck", "NN", "RF", "SVM"), class = "factor"),
Mean_AUC = c(0.5, 0.91, 0.91, 0.91, 0.91, 0.764), Classifier_with_mean_AUC = c("Luck(0.500)",
"RF(0.910)", "RF(0.910)", "RF(0.910)", "RF(0.910)", "SVM(0.764)"
)), .Names = c("TPR", "FPR", "Classifier", "Mean_AUC", "Classifier_with_mean_AUC"
), row.names = c(309L, 155L, 161L, 187L, 164L, 2L), class = "data.frame")
It looks like this:
TPR FPR Classifier Mean_AUC Classifier_with_mean_AUC
309 0.081 0.081 Luck 0.500 Luck(0.500)
155 0.945 0.545 RF 0.910 RF(0.910)
161 0.953 0.606 RF 0.910 RF(0.910)
187 0.984 0.869 RF 0.910 RF(0.910)
164 0.956 0.636 RF 0.910 RF(0.910)
2 0.031 0.010 SVM 0.764 SVM(0.764)
What I want to do is to determine the corresponding color for Classifier_with_mean_AUC
colors = brewer.pal(7, "Dark2")[1:7]
colors<-setNames(colors[1:nlevels(dat$Classifier_with_mean_AUC)], levels(dat$Classifier_with_mean_AUC))
At the end of that code it only produces one color #1B9E77
, I expected it to produce 3 colors. How can do it correctly?
I expect it to produce something like this.
Luck(0.500) RF(0.910) SVM(0.764)
"#1B9E77" "#D95F02" "#7570B3"
with levels
, you need to be using factors. Currently your Classifier_with_mean_AUC
is a character column.
colors = brewer.pal(7, "Dark2")[1:7]
## using character values
setNames(colors[1:NROW(unique(dat$Classifier_with_mean_AUC))], unique(dat$Classifier_with_mean_AUC))
# Luck(0.500) RF(0.910) SVM(0.764)
# "#1B9E77" "#D95F02" "#7570B3"
## to use levels, convert your column to factor
dat$Classifier_with_mean_AUC <- as.factor(dat$Classifier_with_mean_AUC)
setNames(colors[1:nlevels(dat$Classifier_with_mean_AUC)], levels(dat$Classifier_with_mean_AUC))
# Luck(0.500) RF(0.910) SVM(0.764)
# "#1B9E77" "#D95F02" "#7570B3"