i have a multi environment program that runs on windows ce machines, regular pc and windows mobile. I am using a database and files. because of the windows CE i need to use the Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() func before the file use and then reset the current directory (using the Directory.SetCurrentDirectory() func) back to the old one because it changes once i do the I\O in order to continue using the DB. because the windows mobile does not support this functions there is an exception thrown during runtime a "NotSupporetedException". any functions that i could use instead of this that should fix my problem? or any way i can check during runtime what environment the application is running on and not use this functions if the application runs on mobile?
please help, thanks in advance.
I don't fully understand your directory problem, but you can certainly check which platform you're on at runtime:
if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.WinCE)