For this assignment I have to use pthreads in C to make a brute force password cracker.
The code below uses for loops to generate a 6 letter password (ideally 8 letters long) and then I use crypt_r to hash it and compare it with a hash and salt that I give the program at execution.
The hash and salt are taken in at the start, stored in a struct called dataStr which then feeds it to pthreadCreate.
It seems pretty straight forward but even when I memset the array to a null terminating char, at execution the program still sets the whole thing to 'aaaaaa'. The problem with this is that it ignores passwords that are 1-4 chars long.
Here is the data structure I'm using:
typedef struct {
char * hash; //hashed code given in argv[1]
char * salt; //salt for hashed code given in argv[2]
int start; //starting char in alphabet for first letter
int end; //ending char in alphabet for first letter
int id; //thread id
} dataStruct;
Size definitions :
#define PW_SIZE 8
#define ALPHABET_SIZE 66
#define HASH_MAX_SIZE 128
And here is the code itself:
void * thread(void * arg) {
struct timespec start, finish; //Data structure for time.h library
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start); //Start chronometer
double elapsed;
struct crypt_data* cdata = (struct crypt_data *)malloc(sizeof(struct crypt_data));
cdata->initialized = 0;
dataStruct dataStr = *((dataStruct*)(arg)); // receive structure in argument
const char * alphabet = get_alphabet(); // create alphabet
bool pw_found = false; // boolean used for
int retDone = 1;
char * pwd = malloc(PW_SIZE * sizeof(char));
memset(pwd, '\0', PW_SIZE);
int i,j,k,l,m,n;
for (i = dataStr.start; i <= dataStr.end; i++) {
for (j = 0; j <= ALPHABET_SIZE; j++) {
for (k = 0; k <= ALPHABET_SIZE; k++) {
for (l = 0; l <= ALPHABET_SIZE; l++) {
for (m = 0; m <= ALPHABET_SIZE; m++) {
for (n = 0; n <= ALPHABET_SIZE; n++) {
if (pw_found) {
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &finish);
elapsed = finish.tv_sec - start.tv_sec;
elapsed += (finish.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec) / 1000000000.0;
printf("Time elapsed : %f sec(s) \n\n", elapsed); //Time
pwd[0] = alphabet[i];
pwd[1] = alphabet[j];
pwd[2] = alphabet[k];
pwd[3] = alphabet[l];
pwd[4] = alphabet[m];
pwd[5] = alphabet[n];
printf("%s\n", pwd);
char * hash = crypt_r(pwd, dataStr.salt, cdata);
if (strcmp(hash, dataStr.hash) == 0) {
printf("\nPassword : %s\n", pwd);
pw_found = true;
Here's what it produces at execution:
I'd like to learn how I can change the 6 loops somehow in order to get the program to first only search in 1 letter chars, then 2, then 3 and increment from there.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks a lot !
PS - I don't mind emailing someone the code for a global view.
Pointers can be used to accomplish this. ppw
will point to somewhere in the pw
array. pch
will point to somewhere in the characters
array. Incrementing(++) and decrementing(--) the pointers moves the pointers within the elements of their respective arrays. Dereferencing(*) gives access to the values that the pointers point to. used
is the number of elements in pw
that have been used. It starts at 0 for the first element and increases toward SIZE
. characters
may be modified to include the valid letters, numbers and symbols. Just be careful that there are no duplicates. If, for example, the letter u
appears more than once, the program will get in an infinite loop.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define SIZE 5
int main( void)
char pw[SIZE + 1] = "";
char *ppw = NULL;
char *pch = NULL;
char characters[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
int used = 0;
int out = 1;
int last = strlen ( characters) - 1;
//set pw
pw[used] = characters[0];
pw[used + 1] = '\0';
while ( used < SIZE) {//loop until all elements of pw have been used
ppw = &pw[used];//set ppw to point to last used element of pw
while ( ppw >= pw) {//so ppw always points to an element of pw
if ( ( pch = strchr ( characters, *ppw)) != NULL) {//get pointer into characters for current value that ppw point to
if ( out) {//print when appropriate
printf ( "%s\n", pw);
if ( pch < &characters[last]) {//pch does not point to last element of characters
++pch;//pch points to next element of characters
*ppw = *pch;//set what ppw points to to be the same as what pch points to
if ( ppw != &pw[used]) {//ppw is not pointing to last element of pw
ppw = &pw[used];
out = 1;//allow printing
else {//pch is pointing to last element of characters
*ppw = characters[0];//set what ppw points to to be the first element of characters
ppw--;//ppw points to next lower element of pw. ex from pw[n] to pw[n-1]
out = 0;//disable printing
}//exit loop when ppw points to address less than pw
used++;//increase elements in use
memset ( pw, characters[0], used);//reset all elements to first element of characters
pw[used + 1] = '\0';//just in case, terminate
}//exit loop when all elements have been used
exit ( 0);
This seems to be working. Added two lines to set out
to 1 and added used + 1
to the call to memset.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// one more than the desired size
#define SIZE 4
int main( void)
char pw[SIZE] = "";
char *ppw = NULL;
char *pch = NULL;
char characters[] = "abc";
int used = 0;
int out = 1;
int last = strlen ( characters) - 1;
//set pw as character[0]
pw[used] = characters[0];
pw[used + 1] = '\0';
while ( used < SIZE - 1) {//loop until all elements of pw have been used
ppw = &pw[used];//set ppw to point to last used element of pw
out = 1;
while ( ppw >= pw) {//so ppw always points to an element of pw
if ( ( pch = strchr ( characters, *ppw)) != NULL) {//get pointer into characters for current value that ppw point to
if ( out) {//print when appropriate
printf ( "%s\n", pw);
out = 1;
if ( pch < &characters[last]) {//pch does not point to last element of characters
++pch;//pch points to next element of characters
*ppw = *pch;//set what ppw points to to be the same as what pch points to
if ( ppw != &pw[used]) {//ppw is not pointing to last element of pw
ppw = &pw[used];
else {//pch is pointing to last element of characters
*ppw = characters[0];//set what ppw points to to be the first element of characters
ppw--;//ppw points to next lower element of pw. ex from pw[n] to pw[n-1]
out = 0;//disable printing
}//exit loop when ppw points to address less than pw
used++;//increase elements in use
memset ( pw, characters[0], used + 1);//reset all elements to first element of characters
pw[used + 1] = '\0';//just in case, terminate
}//exit loop when all elements have been used
exit ( 0);