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Inconsistent results between R2Cuba and integrate()

I have experienced an inconsistent results from integrate() and suave() from package "R2Cuba" when computing a two-fold integration.


A similar question related to this topic can be found here, let's set f(x)=6*sin(x) and g(x)=1 and the upper time T=3.

The following code use integrate() and suave() to compute the objective 2-fold integral:


integrand = function(x){6*sin(x)}

phi = function(x){integrate(integrand,lower=x,upper = 3)[["value"]]^2}


phicuba= function(x){suave(NDIM,NCOMP,integrand,lower=x,upper=3)$value^2}

foldintegral = integrate(Vectorize(phi),lower = 0,upper = 3)

foldintegralcuba = suave(NDIM,NCOMP,phicuba,lower = 0,upper = 3)

The results:

> foldintegral
167.3934 with absolute error < 1.9e-12
> foldintegralcuba
integral: 6.365749 (+-0.0057)
nregions: 8; number of evaluations:  10000; probability:  1 

which is not consistent. However, if we only compare phi and phicuba

> phi(2)
[1] 11.85476
> phicuba(2)
Iteration 1:  1000 integrand evaluations so far
[1] 3.44367 +- 0.0429822    chisq 0 (0 df)
Iteration 2:  2000 integrand evaluations so far
[1] 3.4436 +- 0.00866171    chisq 0.00513973 (2 df)
Iteration 3:  3000 integrand evaluations so far
[1] 3.44181 +- 0.00386046   chisq 5.38913 (5 df)
Iteration 4:  4000 integrand evaluations so far
[1] 3.44283 +- 0.00206345   chisq 23.0816 (8 df)
[1] 11.85309

We got a result that can be seen as consistent. Moreover, if we use replace the integrand inside suave()

> suave(NDIM,NCOMP,phi,lower = 0,upper = 3)
Iteration 1:  1000 integrand evaluations so far
[1] 167.426 +- 4.91983      chisq 0 (0 df)
Iteration 2:  2000 integrand evaluations so far
[1] 167.315 +- 0.771248     chisq 0.00208764 (2 df)
Iteration 3:  3000 integrand evaluations so far
[1] 167.357 +- 0.432941     chisq 5.50239 (5 df)
Iteration 4:  4000 integrand evaluations so far
[1] 167.362 +- 0.129012     chisq 5.51661 (8 df)
integral: 167.3621 (+-0.13)
nregions: 4; number of evaluations:  4000; probability:  0.2988006 

We still have consistent result.

I wish I can use the suave() since it is much faster when dealing with complicated integral, but why this inconsistent exists?


It seems it is because the algorithm used in suave(), From the Cuba Documentation, suave use globally adaptive subdivision + importance sampling. If change suave() to cuhre(), which only use globally adaptive subdivision, everything should be consistent.


  • It seems it is because the algorithm used in suave(), From the Cuba Documentation, suave use globally adaptive subdivision + importance sampling. If change suave() to cuhre(), which only use globally adaptive subdivision, everything should be consistent.