I'm trying to use $filter to filter dataset retrieved from a JSON file within a controller. here is the data in the JSON file:
"keyword": "key1",
"path": "path1"
}, {
"keyword": "key2",
"path": "path2"
}, {
"keyword": "key3",
"path": "path3"
}, {
"keyword": "key4",
"path": "path4"
}, {
"keyword": "key5",
"path": "path5"
Then I get the data within my controller like this:
$http.get('/sampleJson.txt').then(function (response) {
and then I use $filter to filter the data:
vm.results=$filter('filter')(vm.resultSet, {keyword: "key1"});
Finally I use ng-repeat to show the data in the view:
<tr ng-repeat="result in vm.results">
<td><a href="{{result.path}}">{{result.keyword}}</a></td>
However the results variable is empty and nothing shows up. It seems to be pretty basic stuff, however I can not figure out what is wrong? PS: When I declare other variables in the controller like :
vm.message="Hello, Angular!"
It shows up in the view.
I wrote a solution using $scope. The filter in this solution works. I don't know why you use vm but the $http service works asincronously, and the line
vm.results=$filter('filter')(vm.resultSet, {keyword: "key1"});
should be in the body of the then() function.
Here is a plunk