I'm using Codeception to write acceptance tests for an app that relies on jQuery. I got the WebDriver to open FireFox and login. JavaScript is enabled, and I can do $I->executeJS('return document.getElementById("some-element")');
which returns the element. For the life of me, I can't access jQuery at all. I know it's loaded because the jQuery plugins on the page are working. I need to interact with then.
So far, I've tried two approaches. The first is that I create a hidden div with an ID when the DOM is ready. Then in my test, I do this:
public function foo(AcceptanceTester $I) {
$var = $I->executeJS('return jQuery.fn.jquery');
That var_dump should return the jQuery version. It's returns null.
I've also tried this:
public function foo(AcceptanceTester $I) {
$I->wait(20); // Some really high number of seconds
$var = $I->executeJS("return window.jQuery != undefined && jQuery.active == 0");
That var_dump should be true. It's always false. I'm totally at a loss. What am I no seeing here?
Here is my acceptance.suite.yaml
class_name: AcceptanceTester
- WebDriver:
url: 'http://site.local/' # put your local url
browser: firefox
javascriptEnabled: true
handlesAlerts: true
webStorageEnabled: true
- \Helper\Acceptance
Got it! The issue was indeed with Firefox, not Selenium. Thanks Florent B for suggesting the idea that the geckodriver could be the issue. Short answer is you need at least FF >= 48 to access jQuery.
Hope this helps someone. Took me almost a week to resolve this.