I am trying to convert integers into byte (aka unsigned char) arrays to send the array over a TCP Stream in C++ and vice versa.
I have tried many solutions on stackoverflow and own ideas but nothing really seems to work for me.
My last solution looks like this:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "tcpconnector.h"
typedef unsigned char byte;
using namespace std;
char* byteToChar(byte* b, int length) {
char c[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
c[i] = b[i] - 128;
return c;
byte* charToByte(char* c, int length) {
byte b[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
b[i] = c[i] + 128;
return b;
byte* intToByte(int n) {
byte byte[4];
byte[0] = n & 0x000000ff;
byte[1] = n & 0x0000ff00 >> 8;
byte[2] = n & 0x00ff0000 >> 16;
byte[3] = n & 0xff000000 >> 24;
return byte;
int byteToInt(byte* byte) {
int n = 0;
n = n + (byte[0] & 0x000000ff);
n = n + ((byte[1] & 0x000000ff) << 8);
n = n + ((byte[2] & 0x000000ff) << 16);
n = n + ((byte[3] & 0x000000ff) << 24);
return n;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
if (argc != 3) {
printf("usage: %s <port> <ip>\n", argv[0]);
int number = 42;
byte* line = intToByte(number);
cout << "Number: " << number << "\n";
cout << "ArrayLength: " << sizeof line << "\n";
cout << "Array: " << line << "\n";
cout << "Array to Number: " << byteToInt(line) << "\n";
TCPConnector* connector = new TCPConnector();
TCPStream* stream = connector->connect(argv[2], atoi(argv[1]));
if (stream) {
stream->send(byteToChar(line, 4), 4);
delete stream;
Everytime I execute this code I get the result "4202308" no matter what I set as "int number".
Any help would be appreciated.
void intToByte(int n, byte* result) {
result[0] = n & 0x000000ff;
result[1] = n & 0x0000ff00 >> 8;
result[2] = n & 0x00ff0000 >> 16;
result[3] = n & 0xff000000 >> 24;
Excerpt from main():
int number = 42;
byte line[4];
intToByte(number, line);
cout << "Number: " << number << "\n";
cout << "ArrayLength: " << sizeof line << "\n";
cout << "Array: " << line << "\n";
cout << "Array to Number: " << byteToInt(line) << "\n";
Your intToByte
function is allocating a byte[4]
within the scope of its body and then returning a pointer to it.
Consequently, the value is trashed as soon as your function returns and all the caller receives is a pointer to a now-invalid location - values are destroyed when they go out of scope and pointers do not extend that lifetime.
Either use a standard container object such as std::array
or std::vector
which your function should return to the caller or alternatively, have intToByte
accept a byte[4]
as an argument and fill it in.
For completeness... you could also have the function create the byte array using new
, but then you'd have to remember to delete[]
it, which, whilst seemingly an easy thing to do in this case, is generally bad practice when you have no good reason to make a dynamic allocation.
Additionally, the statement x & y >> z
will first perform y >> z
and then bitwise-AND the result with x
, which is of course not what you want.