I'm trying to use bugsnag for Laravel 5. I got some instances of my application: local, a couple of production, testing etc.
In this https://github.com/bugsnag/bugsnag-laravel documentation it says that I need to replace the Exception handler to Bugsnag handler. But how can I disable Bugsnag for some of my instances?
I made an .env file where I put the apikey, so it'd cool not to use Bugsnag if I don't have that key set (for example).
Right now each instance I create needs apikey or it won't work, and this is a little bin inconvenient. Also, if I put Bugsnag notifications inside my code, what would be the best way to use them only if the env/config var is set, I guess manually checking is not a good idea.
Bugsnag has a config option for this now:
Bugsnag::setNotifyReleaseStages(['development', 'production']);
This restricts the reporting to the configured environments.