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Generating An Amortization Schedule

I have been tasked with creating a program that will generate an amortization schedule. I have only done a bit of research so far, but I need to calculate out payments, interest per payment and principal per payment. Can any one point me in the right direction to figure this out? While I will be writing this in RPG, I am sure others could make use of this algorithm in the future.

(Update) Okay, so how do I calculate based on a 365 day year?


  • Here is what I ended up creating. I have posted the whole test program. It is written in RPG, but should be easily be figured out for any other languages.

     H ActGrp(*caller) BndDir('MODULES') DftActGrp(*no)
       // Program . . . . . AMORT
       // Printer/Display Files
     FAMORTDF   CF   E             WORKSTN sfile(SFL01:rrn01)
       // Named Constants
      /copy modules/qcopysrc,statuscopy
       // Named Indicators
     D indicatorPtr    S               *   Inz(%Addr(*IN))
     D                 DS                  Based(IndicatorPtr)
      /copy modules/qcopysrc,scrncopy
       // Subfile  Fields
     D rrn01           S              4P 0 inz(0)
       // Misc Fields
     D* Monthly Payment
     D m               S             12P 2        
     D* Principal
     D p               S             12P 2                                      
     D* Interest
     D i               S              5P 3                                      
     D* Length (in Years)
     D l               S              3P 0                                      
     D* Monthly Interest
     D j               S             10P10                                      
     D* # of Months
     D n               S              5P 0                                      
     D* Current Monthly Int.
     D h               S             12P 2                                      
     D* Current Principal
     D c               S             12P 2                                      
     D* New Balance
     D q               S             12P 2                                      
       // External Program Procedures
       // Internal Subprocedures
     D Init            PR
     D Main            PR
     D SubfileFilled   PR              N
     D ClearScreen     PR
     D IsValidData     PR              N
     D LoanPayment     PR            12P 2
     D  principal                    12P 2
     D  interest                      5P 3
     D  loanPeriod                    3P 0
     D  paymentsYear                  3P 0
       // External Subprocedures
       ///copy modules/qsrvsrc,p.string
       // Entry Parms
     D AMORT           PR                  extpgm('AMORT')
     D AMORT           PI
       *inlr = *on;
     P* Procedure name: Init
     P* Purpose:
     P* Returns:
     P Init            B
     D Init            PI
       pgm = 'AMORT';
       sflDsp = *off;
     P Init            E
     P* Procedure name: Main
     P* Purpose:
     P* Returns:
     P Main            B
     D Main            PI
       dow (not F3) and (not F12);
         write OVR01;
         exfmt CTL01;
         if (IsValidData()) and (not F3) and (not F12);
           // Fill the header information
           dPayment = LoanPayment(dLoanAmt:dIntRate:dLoanPrd:dPayYear);
           dNumPaymnt = dLoanPrd * dPayYear;
           m = dPayment + dExtraPay;
           p = dLoanAmt;
           q = p;
           // Fill the table
           if (SubfileFilled());
             sflDsp = *on;
     P Main            E
     P* Procedure name: SubfileFilled
     P* Purpose: Fill the subfile
     P* Returns:
     P SubfileFilled   B
     D SubfileFilled   PI              N
     D isFilled        S               N
     D x               S              4P 0
     D intCume         S             12P 2
     D extraPayCume    S             12P 2
     D payDate         S               D
     D payment         S             12P 2
     D extraPayment    S             12P 2
       isFilled = *on;
       sflClear = *on;
       write CTL01;
       sflClear = *off;
       rrn01 = 0;
       x = 0;
       // Setup the work fields
       payment = dPayment;
       extraPayment = dExtraPay;
       payDate = dStartDate;
       // Create records until there is a zero balance
       dow (q > 0);
         x += 1;
         eval(h) h = p * j; // Monthly Interest
         // Adjust for final payment
         if (p < m);
           m = p + h;
           payment = p;
           extraPayment = h;
         // Calulate Principal
         c = m - h;
         // Calulate the new balance
         q = p - c;
         // Accumulate the interest and extra payments
         intCume += h;
         extraPayCume += extraPayment;
         // Determine the next pay date
           when dTerms = '1'; //Yearly
             payDate += %years(1);
           when dTerms = '2'; //Semi-Annual
             payDate += %months(6);
           when dTerms = '3'; //Quarterly
             payDate += %months(3);
           when dTerms = '4'; //Monthly
             payDate += %months(1);
           when dTerms = '5'; //Bi-Weekly
             payDate += %days(14);
         // Fill the subfile
         sPayNum = x;
         sPayDate = payDate;
         sBegBal = p;
         sSchedPay = payment;
         sExtraPay = extraPayment;
         sTotPay = m;
         sInterest = h;
         sPrincipal = c;
         sEndBal = q;
         sCumeInt = intCume;
         // Move the End balance to the beginning balance
         p = q;
         rrn01 += 1;
         write SFL01;
       // Return the calculated information to the header
       dActPaymnt = x;
       dTotInt = intCume;
       dTotEPay = extraPayCume;
       if (rrn01 < 1);
         isFilled = *off;
       return isFilled;
     P SubfileFilled   E
     P* Procedure name: ClearScreen
     P* Purpose:
     P* Returns:
     P ClearScreen     B
     D ClearScreen     PI
       c = 0;
       h = 0;
       i = 0;
       j = 0;
       l = 0;
       m = 0;
       n = 0;
       p = 0;
       q = 0;
       dPayment = 0;
       dNumPaymnt = 0;
       dActPaymnt = 0;
       dTotEPay = 0;
       dTotInt = 0;
     P ClearScreen     E
     P* Procedure name: IsValidData
     P* Purpose: Validate the data on the screen
     P* Returns: True or False
     P IsValidData     B
     D IsValidData     PI              N
     D isValid         S               N
       if (dLoanAmt <> 0) and (dIntRate <> 0) and (dLoanPrd <> 0) and
          (dPayYear <> 0) and (dStartDate <> %date('0001-01-01'));
         isValid = *on;
         isValid = *off;
       return isValid;
     P IsValidData     E
     P* Procedure name: LoanPayment
     P* Purpose: Calculates the payment
     P* Returns:
     P LoanPayment     B
     D LoanPayment     PI            12P 2
     D  principal                    12P 2
     D  interest                      5P 3
     D  loanPeriod                    3P 0
     D  paymentsYear                  3P 0
     D retMonthlyPayment...
     D                 S             12P 2
       eval(h) n = loanPeriod * paymentsYear;
       eval(h) j = interest / (paymentsYear * 100);
       eval(h) m = principal * (j / (1 - (1 + j) ** -n));
       return m;
     P LoanPayment     E

    This code has been tested against our loan calculator. If test vs. Excel, it was off about 32 cents on a $200,000 loan. I am sure that is do to rounding issues.