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Typo3: How can I overwrite the default error message by property validation?

I have a class Publisher, which I want to validate with property validation. But I want to overwrite the default error messages.

Here is a snippet from my Publisher model:

namespace Typo3\LpSurvey\Domain\Model;

use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\DomainObject\AbstractEntity;

class Publisher extends AbstractEntity

     * salutation
     * @var bool
     * @validate NotEmpty
    protected $salutation;


Here is my partial for my publisher object:

<div class="container publisher">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-sm-12">
            <legend>Anrede <em class="star">*</em></legend>
            // Error message output---------------------
            <f:render partial="FormErrorsPublisher" arguments="{field: 'newSigil.survey.publisher.salutation'}" />
            <label class="label-radio">
                < value="0" property="survey.publisher.salutation" />
            <label class="label-radio">
                < value="1" property="survey.publisher.salutation" />

And here my FormErrorsPublisher partial (also a snippet):

<f:form.validationResults for="{field}">
    <f:if condition="{validationResults.flattenedErrors}">
        <f:for each="{validationResults.flattenedErrors}" as="errors">
            <ul class="error-field">
                <f:for each="{errors}" as="error">
                    <li class="error">

Now if the salutation field is empty I get the default NotEmpty error message, but I want to overwrite this.

Maybe in the locallang.xlf with the error code?

I try this, but no solution:

<xliff version="1.0">
    <file source-language="en" datatype="plaintext" original="messages" date="2016-10-06T09:49:41Z" product-name="lp_survey">
            <trans-unit id="survey.publisher.salutation.1221560910">
                <source>Der angegebene Wert ist leer.</source>

Have anyone an idea?


  • I'm usually customizing it like this:

    <f:form.validationResults for="{field}">
        <f:for each="{validationResults.flattenedErrors}" key="propertyPath" as="propertyErrors">
            <f:for each="{propertyErrors}" as="propertyError">
                <div class="form__field-error">
                    <f:translate key="validator.{propertyPath}.{propertyError.code}" default="{propertyError}" />

    And then locallang.xlf can contain overridden validation error messages (in case below it is an error code of RegExp validator):

    <trans-unit id="">
        <source>Input doesn't match the regexp.</source>

    The construction above can be used without for argument and will function the same.