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date command is giving erroneous output while using inside rpm spec file

I have to perform some necessary steps before installing my package, such as taking back up of previous datastore snapshot. For that purpose I'm using a %pre script as follows.

stamp=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`
echo ${stamp}

The output is as follows: 20161103123325OURCE It is printing some random characters along with date. "OURCE" is not present anywhere in my spec file.

The same script works perfectly as standalone. The platform is CentOS7.


  • rpmbuild knows a whole set of macros. Apparently a certain macro is defined as:

    %S = %SOURCE

    I didn't manage to find something that tells rpmbuild not to expand that macro; but there is a way in tricking him not to do so. I know this is a little workaround, but it's the best I could come up with:

    stamp=$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%''S')
    • note that I replaced the backticks with the recommanded $() invocation
    • I just inserted two '' to split the string in two parts; this avoids macro replacement.