PostgreSQL adds other data types to the Active Record default.
See PostgreSQL documentation, List of available datatypes at Stackoverflow and Active Record and PostgreSQL at RailsGuides.
For the array
data type it is necessary to add array: true
in the migration. For instance:
create_table :books do |t|
t.string 'title'
t.string 'tags', array: true
t.integer 'ratings', array: true
What kind of validations should be used in the Book model?
If integer was a non-array data type I would use:
validates :ratings, numericality: { only_integer: true, greater_than: 0 }
Would this validation be correct also in case ratings
is an array data type?
I am interested in validating the array elements not the array itself.
AFAIK there is no built in validation for such case.
You could write custom one:
validate :valid_ratings
def valid_ratings
if everything_is_ok
errors.add(:ratings, 'ratings is invalid') if something_is_wrong