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Vectorizing NumPy covariance for 3D array

I have a 3D numpy array of shape (t, n1, n2):

x = np.random.rand(10, 2, 4)

I need to calculate another 3D array y which is of shape (t, n1, n1) such that:

y[0] = np.cov(x[0,:,:])

...and so on for all slices along the first axis.

So, a loopy implementation would be:

y = np.zeros((10,2,2))
for i in np.arange(x.shape[0]):
    y[i] = np.cov(x[i, :, :])

Is there any way to vectorize this so I can calculate all covariance matrices in one go? I tried doing:

x1 = x.swapaxes(1, 2)
y =, x1)

But it didn't work.


  • Hacked into numpy.cov source code and tried using the default parameters. As it turns out, np.cov(x[i,:,:]) would be simply :

    N = x.shape[2]
    m = x[i,:,:]
    m -= np.sum(m, axis=1, keepdims=True) / N
    cov =, m.T)  /(N - 1)

    So, the task was to vectorize this loop that would iterate through i and process all of the data from x in one go. For the same, we could use broadcasting at the third step. For the final step, we are performing sum-reduction there along all slices in first axis. This could be efficiently implemented in a vectorized manner with np.einsum. Thus, the final implementation came to this -

    N = x.shape[2]
    m1 = x - x.sum(2,keepdims=1)/N
    y_out = np.einsum('ijk,ilk->ijl',m1,m1) /(N - 1)

    Runtime test

    In [155]: def original_app(x):
         ...:     n = x.shape[0]
         ...:     y = np.zeros((n,2,2))
         ...:     for i in np.arange(x.shape[0]):
         ...:         y[i]=np.cov(x[i,:,:])
         ...:     return y
         ...: def proposed_app(x):
         ...:     N = x.shape[2]
         ...:     m1 = x - x.sum(2,keepdims=1)/N
         ...:     out = np.einsum('ijk,ilk->ijl',m1,m1)  / (N - 1)
         ...:     return out
    In [156]: # Setup inputs
         ...: n = 10000
         ...: x = np.random.rand(n,2,4)
    In [157]: np.allclose(original_app(x),proposed_app(x))
    Out[157]: True  # Results verified
    In [158]: %timeit original_app(x)
    1 loops, best of 3: 610 ms per loop
    In [159]: %timeit proposed_app(x)
    100 loops, best of 3: 6.32 ms per loop

    Huge speedup there!