I am trying to download a file in Grails 3.2.1. I have a org.bson.types.Binary Type called "file" saved in mongo-db. The size of the files stored are in kb so no need for GridFS.
I can access the byte[] using the getData() helper that org.bson.types.Binary provides. Using standard mongo-db drivers I can achieve this with the following:-
class DownloadController {
def stream() {
def fileDB = FileDB.get(params.id)
if(fileDB) {
response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "filename=${fileDB.id}.wav")
response.outputStream << fileDB.file.getData()
} else {
//handle error
With Mongo Rx Drivers and more specifically RxJava. How do I download a file from a Observer subscribe? Grails provides a RxController which provides helpers for rx.render and rx.respond, however I cannot get my head around the response. TBH, I am trying to get my head around ReactiveX! This is what I have so far:-
class DownloadController implements RxController {
def stream() {
FileDB.get((Serializable) params.id).subscribe({ fileDB fileDB->
//How do I handle this??
response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "filename=${fileDB.id}.wav")
response.outputStream << fileDB.file.getData()
Any advice would also be much appreciated.
This should work. It uses the render method (see http://mrhaki.blogspot.com.es/2013/09/grails-goodness-render-binary-output.html). If it doesn't please report an issue:
def stream() {
FileDB.get((Serializable) params.id).subscribe({ fileDB fileDB->