I've been using Mongoid Adapter with Rails for an app. So I basically set the project up to not use ActiveRecord (since I'll also be deploying this to Heroku). I followed a tutorial and it worked for me:
Remove database adapter gems from your Gemfile, e.g., mysql2, sqlite3, etc
From application.rb, remove require 'rails/all' and add
require "action_controller/railtie"
require "action_mailer/railtie"
require "sprockets/railtie"
require "rails/test_unit/railtie"
Delete database.yml, schema.rb and all the migrations
Delete migration checks from test/test_helper.rb
Delete all activerecord related configuration from config/environments
However, now - as I am optimizing the processes in my web app (an import csv process), I decided to use delayed jobs using ActiveJob + Resque.
I understand that I needed Redis for Resque and so I installed that and ran the server, however the rake task setup for Resque looks like this:
require 'resque/tasks'
task "resque:setup" => :environment do
Resque.before_fork = Proc.new do |job|
Resque.after_fork = Proc.new do |job|
It seems to need ActiveRecord to do its job (of course since it is mapping to the redis database). And without surprise when I ran this:
LOGGING=1 QUEUE=* bundle exec rake resque:work
It spews out an error (since ActiveRecord is missing):
*** Failed to start worker : #<NameError: uninitialized constant ActiveRecord>
How do I make this work?
I know this was asked awhile ago but the answer here is that you can safely remove the before/after work procs with your own resque.rake
Here is mine:
require 'resque/tasks'
require 'resque/scheduler/tasks'
namespace :resque do
task setup: :setup_logger do #setup logger includes environment!
require 'resque'
require 'resque-scheduler'
#Sets up logging - should only be called from other rake tasks
task setup_logger: :environment do
logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)
logger.level = Logger.const_get((ENV["LOG_LEVEL"] || "DEBUG").upcase)
Rails.logger = logger