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Clojurescript reagent text field does not display typed content when I add :on-change handler

I am following along with the Reagent SPA tutorial at

The code I have so far is:

(def state (atom {:doc {} :saved? false}))

(defn set-value! [id value]
  (swap! state assoc :saved? false)
  (swap! state assoc-in [:doc id] value))

(defn get-value [id]
  (get-in @state [:doc id]))

(defn row [label body]
   [:div.col-md-2 [:span label]]
   [:div.col-md-3 body]])

(defn text-input [id label]
  [row label
   [:input {:type "text"
            :class "form-control"
            :value (get-value id)
            :on-change #(set-value! id (-> % .-target .-value))}]])

(defn home-pg []
   [ [:h1 "Reagent Form"]]
   [text-input :first-name "First name"]])

Now when I run this and type text in the text box, nothing appears. When I remove the :on-change handler, whatever I type shows up. Can someone help me to understand what is going on?

Many thanks in advance!


  • I found the error. The very first line is using a regular Clojure atom. Instead it should use a reagent atom. Changing that line to

    (def state (r/atom {:doc { } :saved? false}))

    fixes the problem.