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How to read CDATA in XML file with PowerShell using a variable for the XML path?

I am having a difficult time reading an XML file with CDATA inside if I use a variable for the path to the element in XML. (NOTE: This is based on How to read CDATA in XML file with PowerShell? )

in $xmlsource file


In PowerShell

[String]$xmlsource = "C:\PowerShell_scripts\xmlsource.xml"
[xml]$XmlContent = get-content $xmlsource    

#These methods work but the Paths are HARD-CODED
Write-host "`r`nUsing HARD-CODED Paths"

#But if the path is given in a variable, I get nothing.
Write-host "`r`nUsing `$pathToElement (returns blank line)"
[String]$pathToElement = 'list.topic.SubTopic.HtmlHead'
$XmlContent.$pathToElement.InnerText        #This return a blank line

#Insult to injury
#This kinda works but to parse the path to fit in the 'GetElementsByTagName' method would be clunky, inflexible and would still return the CDATA from *both* 'HtmlHead' elements.
Write-host "`r`nwith GetElementsByTagName(`$var)"
[String]$ElementName= 'HtmlHead'
Write-host "`r`nwith GetElementsByTagName()"

Does $pathToElement need to be cast as a special datatype?

NOTE: Xpath is a query language for XML So I corrected question above.


  • $XmlContent.list.topic.SubTopic.HtmlHead 

    is looking up a property called list, then from that return value it looks up 'topic', then from that return value ... etc.


    is trying to lookup one single property named list.topic.SubTopic.HtmlHead and not finding it.

    I don't think 'list.topic.SubTopic.HtmlHead' is the right form for an XPath expression. You could do:

    $node = Select-Xml -xml $XmlContent -XPath '/list/topic/SubTopic/HtmlHead' | select -expand node

    Edit: and do

    Select-Xml -xml $xml -XPath '/list/topic//HtmlHead'

    to get both HtmlHeads for SubTopic and SubTopic2.

    Auto-generated PS help links from my codeblock (if available):

    • Select-Xml (in module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility)
    • select is an alias for Select-Object (in module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility)