I loaded a line shapefile in PostGIS and used pgr_createTopology
in pgRouting to make the table routable by adding source and target (assign 2 end nodes of the line source number and target number). The following figure was part of the table:
Now I have some coordinates of end nodes, which belong to lines in the table, and I want to know that what number of sources/targets were corresponding to these coordinates.
For example, in the table above, suppose that 259463.392, 2737830.062
was one of end nodes of line id=1
and line id=2
, then this coordinate has source/target=175
I am newbie to SQL and tried some query but got errors:
SELECT ST_AsText(geom) from source;
FROM public.tc_line15_split;
ERROR: syntax error at or near "FROM"
LINE 2: FROM public.tc_line15_split;
********** Error **********
ERROR: syntax error at or near "FROM"
SQL state: 42601
Character: 45
I am thinking I could just know what I want if column source/target contain information of node coordinate, but seems not, they are just column containing numbers.
I got the vertices table as below:
I used the following query to get the table below:
select source, target, st_astext(geom) as geom from public.tc_line15_split;
and I am still looking for if I could get my need through the 2 tables above.
So I tried the query below and got 2 lines near the given coordinate:
select id from tc_line15_split
where st_dwithin(geom, st_setsrid(st_makepoint(259463.392, 2737830.062), 3826), 0.1);
and later I found from the table showed in the first figure that the coordinate is source/target=54 of id 170/51, respectively, but it's still inefficient.
I am wondering that is there ways to find the same source/target number, which in this case line id=51
and line id=170
both contain, after I found the given coordinate is located between these two lines?
Based on the vertices table, I used the following query to get corresponding source number, which is also point id, of the given coordinate:
select id from tc_line15_split_vertices_pgr
where st_dwithin(the_geom, st_setsrid(st_makepoint(259463.392, 2737830.062), 3826), 0.1);
If what you are trying to achieve is to figure out how many of the network edges share a common node, then the easiest way to achieve this is to use the vertices table generated by pgr_createTopology()
. Per the documentation, it generates a table named the same as your edges table but with _vertices_pgr
If you then run the pgr_analyzeGraph()
method, it will populate the empty columns inside the my_table_vertices_pgr
table with statistics of each vertex. One of these statistics is the cnt
column, which shows the number of times a particular vertex is shared by any adjoining edges.
Regarding some of the other aspects of your question:
The first query in your question returns an error because of syntax, this should work:
SELECT ST_AsText(geom) FROM public.tc_line15_split;
Regarding Update #1 -> The node coordinates aren't stored explicitly in the vertices table, but you can retrieve them for a specific node id (e.g. 15
) by using this query:
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Centroid(the_geom))
FROM tc_line15_split_vertices_pgr
WHERE id = 15
Or, if you simply want X and Y:
SELECT ST_X(the_geom), ST_Y(the_geom)
FROM tc_line15_split_vertices_pgr
WHERE id = 15