It is not possible to invoke Instabug on other Activities than the one we use the MapView for once Googles MapView has been added.
Setting up Instabug looks like this:
if (BuildConfig.DEBUG)
new Instabug.Builder(this, "TOKEN")
and the MapView once acquired:
Instabug.addMapView(view, googleMap);
Invoking Instabug with the MapView works perfectly fine. But invoking it on an other Activities won't work any longer and following logs get printed:
b: Registered Google MapView no longer exists. Skipping.
Screenshot capture failed: Top most activity changed before capturing screenshot
Screenshot capturing failed: Top most activity changed before capturing screenshot
Issue occurs on version 2.6.2
This issue has been solved since version 3.0.0 . This issue should disappear, if you just upgrade to latest version >= v3.0.5