the purpose: write some html code in viewcontroller1's text field press button, the result is shown in webview in viewcontroller2 This is what i've written so far
#import <UIKit/UIkit.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface vc1 : UIViewController
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIButton * btn;
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UITextField * tf;
the text field can be just a standard one, all i need to do is make sure that when the user hits the button the vc2 comes up and in it's HTML section is a string that i got from the textfield the method responsible for this action is mentioned below
-(IBAction) btnAction : (id) sender;
@interface vc2 : UIViewController
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIWebView * wv;
//didn't find standard implementation for vc1 //attempted implementation for vc1
@implementation vc1
@synthesize btn, tf;
-(id) initWithNibName: (NSString *)nibName0rNil bundle: (NSBundle *)nibBundle0rNil{
self = [super initWithNibName: nibName0rNil bundle: nibBundle0rNil];
//custom init
return self;
-(IBAction) btnAction : (id) sender {
//initialize vc2? it's a class so i can't call it.
//can i save the contents of the object as a NSString? or can i just give the Webview a textfield object to show as HTML?
@implementation vc2
@synthesize wv;
-(id) initWithNibName: (NSString *)nibName0rNil bundle: (NSBundle *)nibBundle0rNil{
self = [super initWithNibName: nibName0rNil bundle: nibBundle0rNil];
//custom init
return self;
[super viewDidLoad];
this is where i am supposed to tell it to take the text from vc1 and display it as HTML
[wv loadHTMLString:@"<html><body>YOUR-TEXT-HERE</body></html>" baseURL:nil]
something of the sort but the string is replaced with what was inserted into vc1's text field }
[self setWebview: nil];
[super viewDidUnload];
return interfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait;
Edit: thank you for posting, this community has been very helpful.
In Interface of vc2.h
declare a property like
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *htmlString;
In vc1.h
file or vc1.h
#import "vc2.h"
Now in the Button Action Use the following code:
-(IBAction) btnAction : (id) sender {
//initialize vc2? it's a class so i can't call it.
//can i save the contents of the object as a NSString? or can i just give the Webview a textfield object to show as HTML?
//With Xib
vc2 *secondVC =[[vc2 alloc]initWithNibName:@"vc2" bundle:nil];
secondVC.htmlString =;//textField property name
[self.navigationController pushViewController:secondVC animated:YES];
Finally to display the WebView in vc1.m
use :
NSString *myHTMLString = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%@", self.htmlString];
[self.wv loadHTMLString:myHTMLString baseURL:nil];
Hope this helps. Please let me know in case of any specific errors.