I have a dataset that contains many addresses (60,000-ish entries). I want to classify these addresses into either residential or business addresses.
Does anyone know a good API/Service to get started doing this?
I don't think the google maps geocoder can do this at this time.
Fedex and UPS both seem to have API's but they are only released to companies that are shipping products (sort of a need to know basis only)
USPS API: https://www.usps.com/nationalpremieraccounts/rdi.htm
Fedex API:http://www.fedex.com/us/developer/web-services/index.html
This is a hobby project, so free or cheap are better! But paid solutions are not out of the question.
Take a look at the API at http://compass.webservius.com
It's a listing of 16+ million businesses in the US (aims to be a complete business listing). If an address isn't there, chances are it's a residential address.