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Returning a bluebird promise after sequilize db operation

I got a function that should delete a DB row. The function gets the id of the row that should be deleted. Also the function should return the deleted row to perform some text outputs.

    deleteProcess(processToDeleteId: any): Promise<ProcessInstance> {
    let deletedProcess;
    let value;

    for (let key in processToDeleteId) {
        if (processToDeleteId.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
            value = processToDeleteId[key];

    this.sequelize.query("select * from Processes where processId = ?",
        { replacements: [value], type: this.sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT })
        .then(function (processes) {
            for (let item in processes) {
                if (processes.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
                    deletedProcess = processes[item];


    let that = this;
    return new Promise<ProcessInstance>(
        (function (resolve, reject) {
            that.sequelize.query("delete from Processes where processId = ?",
                { replacements: [value], type: that.sequelize.QueryTypes.DELETE })
                .then(function () {
                    console.log('Deleted successfully');
                    return deletedProcess;
            reject(function (err) {

The issue is the function works well in therms of deleting the item, also it loads the row that is deleted, but doesn't returns the row


  • You never call resolve, which you need to if you want to populate a promise created through the promise constructor. That said, I don't believe you need the promise constructor here.

    Does it work if you do this?

        return that.sequelize.query("delete from Processes where processId = ?",
            { replacements: [value], type: that.sequelize.QueryTypes.DELETE })
            .then(function () {
                console.log('Deleted successfully');
                return deletedProcess;

    By the way, you don't need to do let that = this; if you use an arrow function