Search code examples

How to display the Clarifai API Search Python Image Object

I am following the API tutorial on the Clarifai site specifically working with the search tutorial(

from import ClarifaiApp

app = ClarifaiApp("{clientId}", "{clientSecret}")

# before search, first need to upload a few images

# search by predicted concept
result = app.inputs.search_by_predicted_concepts(concept='dog')

When I look at what the API returns it is a list that contains an image object as follows:

[< object at 0x103215f50>]

How can I display this Image object to look at what it contains and save it to a file such as .png?


  • First off, you probably want to revoke your keys as they are compromised here.

    Secondly to your question, when you get the result, you get a list of Image() objects.

    For example,

    imgs =

    If you run vars(imgs[0]) you will see

    In [14]: vars(imgs[0])
    {'allow_dup_url': False,
     'base64': None,
     'concepts': None,
     'crop': [0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7],
     'file_obj': None,
     'filename': None,
     'input_id': u'sdfsdsdfds1a837e19a10f9',
     'metadata': None,
     'not_concepts': None,
     'url': u''}

    imgs[0] is an object. You can basically get the attributes by imgs[0].url, imgs[0].input_id or something like that.

    Hopefully this addresses your question.