I’m looking for a short solution to create and use different tables in for loops where the loop variable is part of the name.
I found the following solutions:
If I want to create tables in a loop I may use assign together with paste. E.g.:
for (f in files){
assign(paste0("A_",f), readWorksheetFromFile(paste0(f,".xlsx")))}
And if I want to use these tables I may use eval, parse and paste0 in the following way:
for(f in files){
x <- eval(parse(text=paste0("A_",f)))}
The problem is that I have to use these constructions very often and the code is getting very long. Does anyone has a shorter solution to do this in R?
E.g. in SAS I could use something like (as I remember)
x = A_&f;
instead of
x <- eval(parse(text=paste0("A_",f)))
Based on the following answers I found this solution:
In the process of creating objects in a loop I may use the function
`%c%` = function(a, b) paste0(a, b)
in the following way for two or more strings:
"A_" %c% f
"A_" %c% f %c% r
In case I want to use this object in a loop I can use the function:
`%u%` = function(a, b) eval(parse(text=paste0(a,b)))
in the following way for two or more strings:
"A_" %u% f
"A_" %c% f %u% r
Notice that I used the %u% only in the last step.
You could try using a list:
l = vector("list", length(files))
names(l) = paste0("A_", files)
for(i in seq_along(files))
l[[i]] = readWorksheetFromFile(paste0(files[i],".xlsx")))
If you need them to be separate variables, you could create your own environment and store them there:
myenv = new.env()
lapply(seq_along(l), function(i) assign(names(l)[i], l[[i]], pos = myenv))
And retrieve the variables using get
vars = ls(pos = myenv)
get(vars[1], pos = myenv)
So really you're just looking for an operator like _&
`%&%` = function(a, b) get(paste0(a, "_", b))
"A" %&% f
A = "A"
A %&% f