I want to display some lines of code on my website (created with GithubPages and Jekyll), extracted from a commit of my repository.
Example :
But i need to quote a lot of code, and it is very long to copy-paste my code on gist. For the moment, i can provide a link to the interesting code.
Can i find a simple way to display this code in a snippet ?
If you have an another answer, you are welcome !
I found an answer : https://gist-it.appspot.com/
The first example, file on the latest version on a branch, should not be use.
When the code was changed, the snippet display something wrong. Prefer use the permalink to a file in a specific commit like in the second example : https://help.github.com/articles/getting-permanent-links-to-files/
The second example, a file or a part of a file in a specific version/commit :
<script src="http://gist-it.appspot.com/https://github.com/fredericletellier/udacity-builditbigger/blob/6fe561a9e514de2e7175e2c16c5b3a1280223d2e/jokelib/src/main/java/com/joke/JokeProvider.java?slice=14:22&footer=0"> </script>