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Event.observe IE9

While using Magento 1.9 (I think that's not very important) I've got following errors in IE9:

SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method 'observe' 
validation.js, line 98 character 35

This exception points to an Event.observe call, and there are more exceptions like that.

The prototype version is 1.7.0 and it's loading as first script (by the script src) in header element. All the errors occurs in scripts which should be loaded/initialized after the prototype.js.

I'm debugging it for a few hours without results. The problem does not occur in other browsers.

Do you know how to fix that?


  • Try upgrading to the latest version of Prototype, and see if that solves the issue. There was a lot of work done in IE compatibility during 1.7.3.