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XtraGrd.GetRow(XtraGrd.FocusedRowHandle) doesn't get the value of the focused TextBox

In my WinForm application when I want to add a row in xtragrid, I have a problem with getting the current value of the focused textbox.

Assume I have a textBox bind to Model.VchType.Title , Before I click Save button my focus is on txtTitle and I typed "title1" on it.

This is my code for Save button event:

Model.VchType row = xtraGrd.GetRow(xtraGrd.FocusedRowHandle) as Model.VchType;

I get null for row.Title after it hits the break point in this line of code. And this problem only occurs when right before I click on save button focus is on txtTitle.

-------- UPDATE ------------

Here is some of code of model:

[System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema.Table("vwVchType", Schema = "Sle")]
public class VchType : Entity
    private int _ID;
    [RnDisplayName(typeof(Rnw.Sle.Properties.Resources), "ID")]
    public override int ID
            return _ID;
            _ID = value;

    private string _Title;
    [RnDisplayName(typeof(Rnw.Sle.Properties.Resources), "Title")]        
    public string Title
            return _Title;
            _Title = value;

Also I created columns by designer.

I fill a bindingSource and set the property of the datasource of grid to this bindingsource in designer.

And I don't think problem is column name , because if before I click save button I focus on another controller, It works fine and I get value for row.Title.


  • You can focus another forms object before you save your data. So call:


    Before you save. This will close the open editor from your Textbox and post the changes to your DataSource. Normally this should be done by PostEditor(); which sometimes seems to lack.