I think the best way to explain my question is to give an example. Say I have the following object.
$data=new stdClass;
$data->test=new stdClass;
I want to know how I can read or change any value in the object given the key value as an array.
I know the below won't work:
function doSomething($inputArray1,$inputArray2) {
$data[ $inputArray1 ]; //6
$data[ $inputArray2 ]=4; //was array('b',6,7);
//someone else provided
doSomething( array('test','test2') , array('s') );
Changed to make clear that I do not know the values of the array personally so using
to get the 6 like I normally would won't work. Also do not know the array length.
Figured it out:
foreach($parts as $part) {
if (is_array($ref)) {
$ref=&$ref[$part]; //refrence next level if array
} else {
$ref=&$ref->$part; //refrence next level if object
echo $ref; //show value refrenced by array
$ref=4; //change value refrenced by array(surprised this works instead of making $ref=4 and breaking the refrence)
unset($ref); //get rid of refrence to prevent accidental setting. Thanks @mpyw