I'm sucessfully started docker on Windows Server 2016 Nano Server. I've pulled images microsoft/nanoserver and microsoft/sample-dotnet
But when I tried to pull another images, like microsoft/dotnet-framework I've got the following message:
"docker : write C:\Windows\TEMP\GetImageBlob193586394: There is not enough space on the disk."
I'm using the Nano Server on Azure with a 512 GB SSD. And I've just deployed the OS.
Anyone knows what is happening?
Thank you!
so your free disc space is 1 GB of 7 GB? of course this is a bit too less. Probably you already pulled a servercore images which uses around 7 GB.
you need to expand your partition size: https://technet.microsoft.com/de-de/library/hh848680(v=wps.630).aspx