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Creating an entity in a background thread in CoreData

I'm using MagicalRecord and am trying to create an entity in a background thread then use it in the main thread. This is the code I have:

var localRecipe: Recipe?{ (localContext : NSManagedObjectContext!) in
    localRecipe = Recipe.createEntity()
    localRecipe?.name = "HiHi"

    }, completion: { (success : Bool, error : Error?) in

        let recipe = localRecipe?.mr_(in: NSManagedObjectContext.mr_default())

When I try to retrieve localRecipe in the main context the object does not exist in the persistent store. What am I doing wrong here?


  • I believe Recipe.createEntity() is creating the Recipe in the default context.

    You should be using the localContext provided in the block to create your Recipe entity. e.g: localRecipe = Recipe.createEntityInContext(localContext)

    Then when the localContext is saved it should be merged into the main context, NSManagedObjectContext.mr_default()