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How to get System.Printing.PrintServer.GetPrintQueues to return the print queue list from remote server?


I'm trying to get a list of print queues available on a remote server.

Ultimately this will need to be performed from ASP.NET, but for now I'd settle for a console application to work.

When I create an instance of the System.Printing.PrintServer class using the path to a remote server I am able to get basic information about the Print Server. But when I call the GetPrintQueues method I only get queues that are defined on the local box. No matter what I use for the remote device.


Imports System.Printing

Module Module1
  Sub Main()
  End Sub

  Sub ListPrintQueues(ByVal server As String)

    Dim ps As New PrintServer(server)
    Console.WriteLine("Printer Server=" & ps.Name)

    Dim flags() As EnumeratedPrintQueueTypes = {EnumeratedPrintQueueTypes.Connections, EnumeratedPrintQueueTypes.Local}

    Dim queues As PrintQueueCollection = ps.GetPrintQueues(flags)

    For Each pq As PrintQueue In queues

  End Sub
End Module


Assuming the following configuration

  • \\local (Local computer with 3 print queues defined, 1 is a remote connection)
    • LPrinter1
    • LPrinter2
    • \\remote\RPrinter1
  • \\remote (Remote computer with 2 print queues defined)
    • RPrinter1
    • RPrinter2
  • \\other (Some other computer with 1 print queue defined)
    • OPrinter

The results are:

Print Server=\\local  

Print Server=\\remote  

Print Server=\\other

My best guess is that something is happening inside the GetPrintQueues() method to cause the print server to be reset to the local box since it doesn't matter what the print server name is as long as it's a valid computer on the network.


  • Discovered an answer...even if it's not what I wanted.

    If I change the enumeration flags to local only and connect to a server that I have logged on to in the past I will get the correct printers. But if I have not logged on then I get list of remote print queues from my machine.

    When I attempt similar actions using WMI I get Access Denied errors on the remote server that I've connected to. My guess is that System.Printing is catching the exception then defaulting to the local print server.

    changed code

    Imports System.Printing
    Module Module1
      Sub Main()
      End Sub
      Sub ListPrintQueues(ByVal server As String)
        Dim ps As New PrintServer(server)
        Console.WriteLine("Printer Server=" & ps.Name)
        Dim flags() As EnumeratedPrintQueueTypes = {EnumeratedPrintQueueTypes.Local}
        Dim queues As PrintQueueCollection = ps.GetPrintQueues(flags)
        For Each pq As PrintQueue In queues
      End Sub
    End Module