The database value for my project will be TOTAL AMOUNT like "1500.45". What I want is to separate the column for Rupees & Paise. 1500 should be under Rupees column, and paise 45 should be under paise column. How to do that?
Output should be like this
|amount | | rupees | paise |
|1500.45| ==> | 1500 | 45 |
If you need two need for two decimal points then use the following code :
$amount = 1500.45; // if it is a string then convert it into decimal
$rupee = floor($amount);
$paise = (int)($amount - $rupee)*100; // and set pricision two
echo $rupee.'<br/>';
echo $paise;
and if it string or decimal any type then you can use the code as follows :
$amount = 1500.45;
$rupee = explode('.',$amount)[0];
echo $rupee.'<br/>';
echo explode('.',$amount)[1];