I want to create a table random_record
that takes in the same columns as another table simulated_records
; one of the columns is grade
. But I keep getting this error:
ERROR: "random_record.grade" is not a known variable
LINE 45: random_record.grade = c_grade;
^********** Error **********
ERROR: "random_record.grade" is not a known variable
SQL state: 42601
Character: 1635
FOR i IN 1..6 LOOP
CREATE TABLE random_record AS
IF random_record.grade = '-' THEN
I am not sure if I am properly creating the table.
you created table well, but the table is not a variable, so line
IF random_record.grade = '-' THEN
has not any sense. It is hard to identify, what you want, because using table in this context has not any value.
creating in table in cycle has another issue - the statement CREATE TABLE
will work only in first loop of cycle. Second loop has to fail, because table exists already.
It is hard help, because this code is messy - it is mixing variables, tables together, and it is not possible. Every object has own dimension, own access methods, and these mechanisms are different.