Q: How can I trim the extra horizontal rule length in LaTeX tables from R's xtable
I'd like to do something like you see in my R code below. But that code throws and error, not producing the desired result.
% table 1
& a\_a & b\_b \\
A & 0.35 & -1.05 \\
B & 0.64 & 0.92 \\
% table 2
& a\_a & b\_b \\
A & 0.36 & -1.05 \\
B & 0.64 & 0.92 \\
# Begin R code
options(xtable.comment = FALSE)
mat <- matrix(rnorm(4), nrow=2)
rownames(mat) <- LETTERS[1:2]
colnames(mat) <- str_c(letters[1:2], "_", letters[1:2])
#mat.x <- xtable(mat, caption="My Caption!", align="lrr", digits=2) # No Error!
mat.x <- xtable(mat, align="@{}lrr@{}", digits=2) # Error!
sanitize.text.function = function(x){x},
sanitize.colnames.function = function(x){str_replace_all(x, "_", "\\\\_")},
command=c("\\toprule ", "\\midrule ", "\\bottomrule ")))
# Error in `align<-.xtable`(`*tmp*`, value = "@{}lrr@{}") :
# "align" must have length equal to 3 ( ncol(x) + 1 )
# In addition: Warning message:
# In .alignStringToVector(value) : Nonstandard alignments in align string
You need to pass either a string with the same number of characters as the number of columns + 1, or a string of this length. So try (amongst other permutations)
align=c("@{}l", "r", "r@{}")
To see why have a look at the functions.
mat <- matrix(rnorm(4), nrow=2)
rownames(mat) <- LETTERS[1:2]
colnames(mat) <- paste0(letters[1:2], "_", letters[1:2])
xtable(mat, align="@{}lrr@{}", digits=2)
"align" must have length equal to 3 ( ncol(x) + 1 )
The warning suggests passing a vector of length three, so try
xtable(mat, align=c("@{}l","r", "r@{}"), digits=2)
# \begin{table}[ht]
# \centering
# \begin{tabular}{@{}lrr@{}}
# ---
# ---
So that works as expected. Also the align argument is robust to how you pass the string, as long as it is of the required length.
xtable(mat, align=c("@{}lrr@", "{", "}"), digits=2)
# \begin{table}[ht]
# \centering
# \begin{tabular}{@{}lrr@{}}
# ---
# ---
To see why the first string didn't work
look at the relevant parts of xtable:::xtable.data.frame
function: must be to do with align
align(x) <- switch(1 + is.null(align), align, c("r", c("r", "l")[(characters | factors) + 1]))
This leads to xtable:::`align<-.xtable
, and then xtable:::.alignStringToVector