suppose i have 2 related tables. The 1st one, named a, has these columns:
The 2nd one, named b has these columns
is what relates a and b.
I need to check for duplicate values, being multiple values having the same crmid on the table b. Using the following query:
SELECT y.activityid, y.subject
FROM vtiger_activity y
INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT a.activityid, a.crmid
FROM vtiger_seactivityrel a, vtiger_seactivityrel b
WHERE a.crmid = b.crmid
AND a.activityid != b.activityid) z
ON y.activityid = z.activityid
i can successfully get all of these. Now i want to get all the values with the highest activityid
between those with the same crmid
. To explain better, if i have 3 rows with crmid = 20 and 4 rows with crmid=21, i want the highest activityid with crm=20, but also the highest activityid with crmid=21.
The following:
SELECT y.activityid, y.subject
FROM vtiger_activity y
INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT a.activityid, a.crmid
FROM vtiger_seactivityrel a, vtiger_seactivityrel b
WHERE a.crmid = b.crmid
AND a.activityid != b.activityid) z
ON y.activityid = z.activityid
WHERE y.activityid = (SELECT MAX(activityid)
FROM (SELECT y.activityid, y.subject
FROM vtiger_activity y
INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT a.activityid, a.crmid
FROM vtiger_seactivityrel a, vtiger_seactivityrel b
WHERE a.crmid = b.crmid AND a.activityid != b.activityid) z
ON y.activityid = z.activityid) t)
can only give me the highest activityid overall.
Plus, i want to delete all duplicates but those with the highest activityid
. What should be the right queries to do these tasks? Thanks anyone.
For those who wonder what is it, it's vtigercrm.
Try this:
SELECT y.activityid, y.subject
FROM vtiger_activity y
INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT a.activityid, a.crmid
FROM vtiger_seactivityrel a, vtiger_seactivityrel b
WHERE a.crmid = b.crmid
AND a.activityid != b.activityid) z
ON y.activityid = z.activityid
SELECT m.crmid,MAX(m.activityid) AS activityid
FROM ivtiger_seactivityrel m
GROUP BY m.crmid) ma
ON ma.activityid=y.activityid