I'm running a project on Django 1.8.12 and I'd like to preserve test database between runs as described in the documentation. Even though the test
command itself lists the -k/--keepdb
option in help text, using it fails:
vagrant@vagrant /vagrant/project (master) $ python manage.py test -k myapp.tests.testcase
nosetests myapp.tests.testcase -k --verbosity=1
Usage: manage.py [options]
manage.py: error: no such option: -k
vagrant@vagrant /vagrant/project (master) $ python manage.py test --keepdb myapp.tests.testcase
nosetests myapp.tests.testcase --keepdb --verbosity=1
Usage: manage.py [options]
manage.py: error: no such option: --keepdb
Calling the same command with some other options, e.g. -q
or --failfast
works fine. On the other hand, some other listed options such as --no-color
fail in a similar manner.
Am I missing something here? How can I pass these options to the command?
I had a similar problem, and issue was having the TEST_RUNNER set to django_nose
in the project settings. So in ../settings/local.py, commenting out or removing this:
TEST_RUNNER = 'django_nose.NoseTestSuiteRunner'
allows the --keepdb switch to be used.