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How to provide hardcoded path to sourceDir in wix

I have come up with a wix heat.exe harvest command

heat.exe dir ../SessionAPI/Publish -cg C_SessionAPIWebSiteComponent -gg -scom -sreg -sfrag -srd -dr SessionAPIDirectory -var ..\SessionAPI -out ./SessionAPI.wxs

This creates .wxs files with Source like below

Source="$(..\SessionAPI)\packages.config" />

But I don't want the source to point to an environment variable and it should be want it to be like

Source="..\SessionAPI\packages.config" />

I am not able to achieve it. Can someone please shed some light on this issue?


  • You can use XSLT to transform the output generated by Heat. Take a look at this question and the corresponding answer: Move from manual component creation to harvesting with the HeatDirectory task