I've the task to write a very easy rgb to cmyk converter in java and my attempts aren't working. Looking up for solutions didn't help, since everyone uses libaries and imports I can't use here. I hope someone sees my mistake.
int w;
int c;
int m;
int y;
int k;
if (r+b+g==0) {
System.out.println("Ist alles 0");
} else {
int max = Math.max(Math.max(r,b),g);
w = (max / 255);
r = r/255;
g = g/255;
b = b/255;
c = ((w-r)/w);
m = ((w-g)/w);
y = ((w-b)/w);
k = 1-w;
System.out.println(c+" "+m+" "+y+" "+k);
This is the part where I try to convert the r, g and b values (int) I get via user input to cmyk.
Edit: I know that there are post like these, but the solutions always include libaries and imports I'm NOT allowed to use.
The below code will store zero in r
as the initial value of r
is less than 255 and r is an int. So as per integer division r/255
will be zero.
r = r/255;
Instead you can store the result of division in a double variable, try the below (make sure at least one of the operand in the division is a double, else you can cast it to double)
double rC = r/255.0;
c = ((w-rC)/w);