@ComponentScan( //CS1
basePackages = {"com.package.A", "com.package.B"},
excludeFilters = @ComponentScan.Filter(type = FilterType.ASSIGNABLE_TYPE,
value = {com.Package.A.SomeClass.class
@ComponentScan( //CS2
basePackages = { "com.package.A"}
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ConfigurableApplicationContext ctx = SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);
Above is my SpringBootApplication
's main class.As you can see,I have to use Annnotation ,not xml. There are two @ComponentScan
Annotations.And it is not permitted for Spring, of course. For me, the two different @ComponentScan
means two different way to start up my application. And if I choose to use CS1(it means @ComponentScan1), I hava to comment CS2,and vice versa.
It's not elegant or graceful.Especially for those who are newbie for Spring.So I wonder know how can I config it dynamic according to my .properties file.Such as a param in my .properties file called "isScanA" is ture, then I can use CS1. Or any other elegant way.
I have tried a lot.
Use placeholder. Such as @ComponentScan(basePackage="${scan.basePackage}")
.And change the value in .properties file when needed. But this way can't fix the excludeFilters
. Because if I use FilterType.ASSIGNABLE_TYPE
to assign the class which need to be exclude, the value
should be a Class
type not a String
,where if value = {"${scan.excludeClass}"}
be used.
Programmatic way.
* Create a new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext, scanning for bean definitions
* in the given packages and automatically refreshing the context.
* @param basePackages the packages to check for annotated classes
public AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(String... basePackages) {
I called this method in my main function.But it also can't fix the excludeFilters
problem, the reason is here:Doing context:component-scan programatic way?
I really tried a lot , but still can't fix. So I need your help.
Forgive my poor English, plz.
Thanx a lot, at least you have take a little time to read.
Maybe you are look for Spring's Profile! Spring Profile allow you to determine profiles for Configurations and Beans. I think you must separate the configuration classes to have two profiles! Take a look at those examples!
Here is the documentation: