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How do I pass an Array (By Reference, in VB6) to a C\C++ *.dll subroutine?

I need to pass an empty Array of Variants to a DLL written in C (and available on all Windows versions), and the C code (which I have no control over and cannot edit) will populate the Empty Array of Variants with its some return values.

Bascially, when I try this - the ByRef Array is always empty when it should contain the results of the function/sub call (if I do the exact same thing in .NET, it works).

I'm thinking I need to do a custom declaration so VB knows how to call the C function, or?

Here is how the C sub/function is declared. Given this, what do I need to do in order to ensure C is able to use my Empty Array properly and I in tern get my results back?

HRESULT InvokeAction(
  [in]       BSTR bstrActionName,
  [in]       VARIANT varInActionArgs,
  [in, out]  VARIANT *pvarOutActionArgs,
  [in, out]  VARIANT *pvarRetVal

More information about this function:



  • From

    Dim returnVal
    Dim outArgs(1)
    Dim args(1)
    args(0) = 3
    returnVal = service.InvokeAction("GetTrackInfo", args, outArgs)
    'return Val now contains the track length
    'and outArgs(0) contains the track title
    Dim emptyArgs(0)
    returnVal = service.InvokeAction("Play", emptyArgs, emptyArgs)
    'returnVal indicates if the action was successful

    Just how you get and instance of service is not clear from this example though.