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What are Extension Methods?

What are extension methods in .NET?

EDIT: I have posted a follow up question at Usage of Extension Methods


  • Extension methods allow developers to add new methods to the public contract of an existing CLR type, without having to sub-class it or recompile the original type.

    Extension Methods help blend the flexibility of "duck typing" support popular within dynamic languages today with the performance and compile-time validation of strongly-typed languages.


    Here is a sample of an Extension Method (notice the this keyword infront of the first parameter):

    public static bool IsValidEmailAddress(this string s)
        Regex regex = new Regex(@"^[\w-\.]+@([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,4}$");
        return regex.IsMatch(s);

    Now, the above method can be called directly from any string, like such:

    bool isValid = "[email protected]".IsValidEmailAddress();

    The added methods will then also appear in IntelliSense:

    alt text

    As regards a practical use for Extension Methods, you might add new methods to a class without deriving a new class.

    Take a look at the following example:

    public class Extended {
        public int Sum() {
            return 7+3+2;
    public static class Extending {
        public static float Average(this Extended extnd) {
            return extnd.Sum() / 3;

    As you see, the class Extending is adding a method named average to class Extended. To get the average, you call average method, as it belongs to extended class:

    Extended ex = new Extended();
