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How to validate (azure) saml xml response with opensaml?

i have Response in XML format from my IDP and want to use opensaml2 to validate it. How can it be done?


  • According to the OpenSAML2 offical docs (doc1 & doc2), you can try to use the code below to validate the saml xml response with OpenSAML.

    // Initialize the library
    // Get parser pool manager
    BasicParserPool ppMgr = new BasicParserPool();
    // Get org.w3c.dom.Document Object from response
    HttpURLConnection req = (HttpURLConnection) new URL("<saml-xml-url>").openConnection();
    // Add some necessary headers for the request
    // req.addRequestProperty("...", "...");
    // ...
    InputStream in = req.getInputStream();
    Document inCommonMDDoc = ppMgr.parse(in);
    // Get the DOMSource from org.w3c.dom.Document Object
    DOMSource domSource=new DOMSource(document);  
    //Add an extension schema via the code SAMLSchemaBuilder.addExtensionSchema(String schema) if necessary
    Schema schema = SAMLSchemaBuilder.getSAML11Schema();
    // Get a Validator instance.
    Validator validator = schema.newValidator();
    try {
        System.out.println("Result : Valid!");
    } catch(Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Result : Invalid!");