I am trying to build my Platform.io project on Windows 10 x64, and I get this error output:
[10/29/16 23:23:34] Processing esp07 (platform: espressif8266, board: esp07, framework: arduino)
Verbose mode can be enabled via `-v, --verbose` option
Converting Lights.ino
Collected 26 compatible libraries
Looking for dependencies...
Library Dependency Graph
Compiling .pioenvs\esp07\src\Lights.ino.o
Building .pioenvs\esp07\firmware.bin
Calculating size .pioenvs\esp07\firmware.elf
error: can't open ELF file C:\Users\USER
*** [.pioenvs\esp07\firmware.bin] Error -1
text data bss dec hex filename
239736 4912 29568 274216 42f28 .pioenvs\esp07\firmware.elf
[ERROR] Took 1.31 seconds
Has anyone experienced issues with ELF files on Windows?
P.S. running the IDE under Admin privileges didn't solve the problem.
As correctly stated by the community members (Sami Kuhmonen and Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams) above, the issue was in the presence of spaces in the Windows user name folder. Thank you!
This is a configuration I used to move the folder (platformio.ini):
home_dir = C:\.platformio
Hope this also helps someone else :)