I have a question which is to select values from my DB. I have a where clause like this :
$query = 'SELECT * FROM liquid
WHERE Id = '.$id.'
picone = tiger-1477927129.jpg OR
pictwo = tiger-1477927129.jpg
OR picthree = tiger-1477927129.jpg
' . 'picfour = tiger-1477927129.jpg
OR picfive = tiger-1477927129.jpg
OR picsix = tiger-1477927129.jpg
The problem is I have dots before the file extension, so sql does not execute this. Do you know how could I solve this?
Thanks Lee
Use quotes around the values i.e. image='image.jpg'
and you will need to escape the quotes for the string in PHP
$query = 'SELECT * FROM liquid WHERE
Id = '.$id.'
picone = \'tiger-1477927129.jpg\'
OR pictwo = \'tiger-1477927129.jpg\'
OR picthree = \'tiger-1477927129.jpg\'
OR picfour = \'tiger-1477927129.jpg\'
OR picfive = \'tiger-1477927129.jpg\'
OR picsix = \'tiger-1477927129.jpg\'