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json post nested objects in swift using alamofire

i want to post nested json objects in API using Alamofire my objects structere is like this

["example" :

my problem is when i'm making array it becomes like ["example":[["fname":"john","lname":"Doe"],["fname":"john","lname":"Doe"]]] so their is one square bracket extra because of the array. below is my codes

var exampleObj = [String:AnyObject]()

var examplesArray  = [exampleObj]

    for example in examples

        exampleObj = ["fname":example[fname] as AnyObject, "lname":example["lname"] as AnyObject]


        let parameters = ["example": examplesArray] 


  • after while i discovered my problem was with the Alamofire request i forgot to add the encoding parameter and the solution is

    Alamofire.request("", parameters: parameters, encoding: URLEncoding.httpBody)