I have a source table like this
ProductName SaleReceipt SaleCode
F-Apple 1001 1
F-Orange 1002 2
G-Rice 1003 3
G-Barile 1005 4
G-Oats 1006 1
V-Carrot 1007 4
V-Cabbage 1008 3
V-Potato 1009 1
V-Tomato 1010 1
Chocolate 1011 4
Cookies 1012 1
Cakes 1013 2
I need to create a report like this
30 Day delay 60 Day Delay 90 day delay 120 day delay
Fruits 1 1 0 0
Grains 1 0 1 1
Vegetables 2 0 1 1
Other category 1 1 0 1
The conditions to create the report are:
Other product name go in the other category
30 day delay: count of (SaleReceipt) with a SaleCode=1
120 day delay: count of (SaleReceipt) with a SaleCode>=4
I could not find how to do grouping two times. I am using SQL Server 2014.
You can use case
in a group by
. Or use a lookup table:
select coalesce(c.name, 'Other category'),
sum(case when salescode = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as salecode_1,
sum(case when salescode = 2 then 1 else 0 end) as salecode_2,
sum(case when salescode = 3 then 1 else 0 end) as salecode_3,
sum(case when salescode = 4 then 1 else 0 end) as salecode_4
from t left join
(values ('F-%', 'Fruit'), ('G-%' , 'Grain'), ('V-%', 'Vegetable')
) c(pattern, name)
on t.productname like c.pattern
group by coalesce(c.name, 'Other category');