i got a question. I'm using Visual Paradigm for BPMN 2.0. I want to visualize one Pool with two Lanes. One Lane is sending a document into the other Lane in the same Pool. I used an "Intermediate Event" to send such a document. Is that right? How would you guys build it?
The second thing is, what i learned is to use a "Message-Flow"-Connection when i'm using the "Intermediate Event". When i use this connection an error occurs.
"Invalid..." shown in the picture below.
How would you visualize the "send document" from lane a in lane b, so that everything works fine?
Messages can be passed between different pools only (and then you use events to pass them). If you want to pass a document within one pool (regardless if one or more lanes) you need to show it in parallel to the flow, with a document icon in a form of a sheet with a folded corner and dashed between process steps and document.
Please see example on page 26 of this official OMG document: